Feeling overwhelmed?

Today was one these days where my tasks just kept piling up. And at the end of the day there were still two items on the list that I wasn‘t able to finish. Aaargh.

This is what you can try at the end of the day

Instead of staring at the two unfinished items left on your todo list make a list of all the items you were able to cross off today.

Celebrate what you have achieved. 

What if it‘s in the middle of the day and you
feel totally overwhelmed

This is a my rescue procedure, when I feel that I have just too much on my plate: 

1. Make a list of all the things that are in your head swirrling around. 🗒

2. Cross everything that seems trivial or unimportant. ❌

3. What can wait for another 24 hours? ⏰

4. What are simple tasks that you can finish quickly? ✅

5. Work on these simple tasks for 15 minutes to get going. 🏃