Do you struggle with building a new habit?
Do you struggle with building a new habit?
We are told that it takes 66 days on average for a new behavior to become automatic. What if there was a hack to make it stick faster?
I found that habits can form very quickly, often in just a few days, as long as
people have a strong positive emotion connected to the behavior.
One way of achieving this is to celebrate right after you performed your habit. Take writing this atomic essay as an example. I want to make this into a daily routine. As soon as I exported my final version, this is what I do:
1. Pause the «deep work» track on and switch to celebration mode 🎉
2. Play «Happy» from Pharell Williams – always makes me smile.
3. Cross off the day on Austin Kleons «PRACTICE – SUCK LESS» sheet ✅
4. I have my personal celebration stamp, which I‘m allowed to use now. 👊 YES!
When you celebrate effectively, you tap into the reward circuitry of your brain.
By feeling good at the right moment, you cause your brain to recognize and encode the sequence of behaviors you just performed. In other words, you can hack your brain to create a habit by celebrating and self-reinforcing.
It helps to make a conscious effort and do some brainstorming. How do you want to celebrate? Can you activate all your senses (sound, touch, smell, …)?
Most of all: Make it playful and fun.
Day 2 of #ship30for30
— Beda Binder 🚢 14/100 (@bedabinder) May 16, 2021
Do you struggle with building a new habit?
Check out my celebration ritual 👇