Learning for a living

What if you could earn 1 dollar for every word you are reading?
Awesome for someone like me: 

👋  Hi, I‘m Beda, a learning junkie & avid reader. 

Checking my Kindle bookshelf from 2020: 54 books x 75‘000 average word count equals 4‘050‘000 $ earning potential  

I always took pride in my reading habit – I thought this made me a curious person, constantly on the lookout for something new I could learn. I even started taking highlights in Kindle after taking «Building a second brain», a cohort-based course about managing the complexities of modern world information overload.

The thing is, no one pays you for reading or consuming information. Value is created when you share your insights, build upon ideas and make things.

Reading in itself is not a bad habit I have to break, but I need to build upon it. 

Forming a new habit is no easy task. According to BJ Fogg, a behavior scientist, the key variables that drive human behavior are

1. Motivation
2. Ability
3. Prompts

And the best thing is to start small and celebrate the wins. 

So here I am starting a new habit of sharing an atomic essay with Ship30for30 – a course that helps with all three behavior drivers by bringing together 376 aspiring writers.

And one day I might earn a dollar for every word I‘m reading and finally would be «learning for a living».